Download luigis mansion dark moon release date
Download luigis mansion dark moon release date

The PolterGust 5000 is also used to solve puzzles, for example by sucking in a stove and using the flames to ignite something else. some ghosts have sunglasses which have to be removed first and others are only vulnerable briefly. There are different kinds of enemies which require a variation of tactics, e.g. Of course the ghosts struggle against it, so their movement has to be countered with the analogue stick. The basic procedure is always the same: Luigi has to stun the ghosts with the flashlight (in contrast to the predecessor, now the position and angle is important) so he can vacuum them in. Luigi's weapon of choice is vacuum device called PolterGust 5000 which is used to fight against the numerous ghost enemies.

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Luigi is hired by the eccentric professor Gadd to visit five haunted mansions to retrieve the Dark Moon parts.

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This time he visits Evershade Valley, where the destruction of the Dark Moon caused all ghosts to become hostile to humans. After the happenings of Luigi's Mansion, Luigi once again has to put on his ghostbusting gear.

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